Saturday, July 18, 2015

Kenya's Westgate shopping mall reopens after tragedy


   The Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, in which 67 people were killed in an attack by al-Shabab militants, has reopened.
    In September 2013, gunmen entered the mall and fired on shoppers, leading to a siege over four days.
About half the shops are opening again after an extensive refurbishment.
The reopening comes a week before US President Barack Obama visits Nairobi - a sign, the city's governor said, that the capital was safe.
"Exactly 22 months ago we had one of the saddest days in Kenyan history," governor Evans Kidero said.
"As a nation we cried, we mourned, but Westgate is back."

'Many unanswered questions' - Karen Allen, BBC News East Africa correspondent

      It was one of the boldest attempts by the armed militants to target foreign nationals as well as Kenyans.
A promised inquiry never happened and a parliamentary committee criticised what it called the laxity and unresponsiveness of security services.
Some uniformed officers were captured on CCTV footage looting shops as the siege dragged on.
And although there are still many unanswered questions about the exact identities of the attackers, and how they were able to smuggle weapons in, the complex management says security has been dramatically improved.
     Since the Westgate siege, al-Shabab has launched a number of high-profile attacks, including one on a university in Garissa, north-east Kenya, in which close to 150 people died in April.
Our correspondent says al-Shabab is increasingly recruiting within Kenya.
Earlier this week, the US State Department issued a travel warning to its citizens that extremists could target a summit in Nairobi in late July, which will be attended by Mr Obama.

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