Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Russia vs. US: The World War 3

  Russia US

       In case the United States and Russia engage in nuclear confrontation, the US will be completely wiped off the face of the Earth, editor of Europesolidaire Jean-Paul Baquiast wrote.
US Russia Estonia
Russia and China stand better chances in a possible nuclear war against the US, which would mean complete destruction of the United States’ territory, the French journalist said.
His comments come as the Russian President Vladimir Putin threatens to use his nuclear force against the United States and its allies if NATO moves more forces into the Baltic states or if attempts are made to return Crimea to Ukraine.
That information as well as the Washington’s potential intent to perform a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia’s territory led to a wide Internet discussion whether it is something that might happen or not.
What also fueled these speculations was General Robin Rand’s appointment as head of the US Air Force Global Strike Command.
Knowing the nature of this General, it is possible that he might follow the steps of US General Curtis LeMay, who was meticulously preparing a large nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.
And let’s not forget that Russia currently poses a bigger threat than USSR did, and that it is far more dangerous than the union, which collapsed in 1991. According to NATO’s former secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen, “Russia of today is more dangerous than the Soviet Union. The USSR was more predictable than the current leadership.”
The US will be completely destroyed
And so according to Jean-Paul Baquiast, when the US realizes it can’t counter Russian aggression by conventional and non-military means, it will try to destroy it with its armed forces. And in case an armed confrontation indeed happens, the US will no doubt perform a series of preemptive nuclear attacks against Russia.
“Chances of the United States to destroy Russia without consequences for itself are small,” the editor of Europesolidaire said.
And he’s got a point. What do you think Russia will do? Sit, wait and watch? Pretend that the attack didn’t happen?
Russia US
You see, while Washington would be able to hit just a part of Russia’s massive territory, the US would be wiped off the face of the Earth. And Russia has a major advantage if that sort of conflict occurs as it would be able to launch its advanced missiles from its ships off the coast of the US.
As for Russia’s missiles, it’s a whole other story. As it was earlier reported, Putin signed a decree that lifts a ban on delivering S-300 missiles, which are currently the world’s most advanced air defense systems, to Iran.
But it’s very unlikely Russia is going to use these missiles in a nuclear war against the US as the Kremlin is currently manufacturing the even better version of these missiles – S-500 missile system. Although it is fair to say that even these missiles won’t be able to withstand a large attack of ballistic missiles from US ships.
A Nuclear War between Russia and US is Very Likely
Over a week ago, ValueWalk interviewed a retired Russian Army General and a Military Strategies and Technologies expert, Evgeni Solovyov, who said that Russia is clearly “testing the West, particularly the United States.”
“It also seems like Russia is okay with the fact that World War 3 can be easily started any day. I mean, could we possibly imagine some country threatening other countries – not just one country! – to use its nuclear force without getting a robust and cohesive response, like, one and a half years ago?” he added.
There are a lot of indications that a nuclear confrontation between Moscow and Washington could indeed happen: Russian military aircraft have been repeatedly invading into NATO airspace, particularly the Baltic states’ airspace. Putin admitting he was ready to ready up his nuclear forces in Crimea.
Then, of course, there was this meeting between the US and Russia’s military and intelligence experts, which revealed Putin’s willingness to view any attempt from NATO’s side to return Crimea to Ukraine or to increase its presence in the Baltic states as declaration of war and threatened a “spectrum of responses from nuclear to non-military” to retain his control in the region.
And just a month ago, Russia sent its nuclear Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad, which the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite said that it could “reach even Berlin.”
Furthermore, Russia’s ambassador has recently warned Denmark that if its ships decide to join a NATO missile defense force, Denmark would be nuked.
Is US – A Small Mouse?
And how does one respond to such actions and words? It is clear that the big bear-aggressor is provoking the world to take action. It sits and waits like a fat cat for an opportunity to attack a small mouse. Isn’t it the time for the US to start playing the role of the fat cat?
I mean, clearly, Russia is now the only country in the world capable of destroying the US. Completely. And what does the US do? It reduces the number of its nuclear warheads!
A senior Pentagon official told Congress on Wednesday that the number of US nuclear warheads had been reduced from 1,642 to 1,597 between Sept. 1 and March 1.
Robert Scher, who is assistant secretary of defense for strategy, plans, and capabilities, explained the move as one of the agreements of the 2010 New START arms treaty between Russia and the US. The treaty calls for both countries to cut down the number of their deployed strategic warhead arsenals to 1,550 by February 2018.
But is this really the right time to make such actions?

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